Find a variety of whale plush toys and stuffed animals at the Oceanarium.
The large dark grey humpback whale stuffed animal is from the Stuffed Animal House. We also see the Wild Republic Cuddlekins Blue Whale and two Cuddlekins Humpback Whales. There is also a Jim Shore Whale Ocean Ornament. Note the little Humpback Whale plush keychain.
The Bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus) is found in Arctic seas and along North Atlantic Coasts. You can find some whale plush toys at our sponsor's online gift shop.
Whales are divided into two groups: toothed whales and whalebone
whales. The whalebone or baleen whales include the blue whale (largest animal in the world) and the humpback. Whalebone whales vary in length from 50 to 100 feet. Baleen whales do not have teeth, but rather projections of baleen plates that are used to strain plankton from sea water.
The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a large whale that is black on its back and white on the throat, chest and the undersides of the flippers and tail. It can reach a length of 50 feet. These whales are known for their haunting song, which is used for communication among members of the pod. It was called humpback by whalers who noticed its tendency to arch its back just before diving.
The humpback calf is about 15 feet long at birth and weighs almost two tons. The gestation period is about one year.
For some interesting facts about humpbacks, click on this link:
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