Looking for Killer Whale stuffed animals? Look no farther. There are a number of Orcas, also called Killer whales, living at the Oceanarium.
They include
orcas made by Applause/Dakin, Coca Cola, Folkmanis, Swibco, Ganz and the Stuffed Animal House. We have an Orca Luv Pet by Russ, an orca keychain, and Splash the Beanie Baby. Some of these orcas can be found in our sponsor's online Gift Shop.
Another name for the Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) is the sea wolf. This is the largest of the dolphins.
This sea mammal, that can reach lengths of 30 feet, travels in pacts (pods) of anywhere from 4 to 50 at speeds of up to 34 mph.
Its weight can reach 22,000 pounds. Its prey includes other whales, seals, sea lions and fish including sharks. The orca can be found in both Atlantic and Pacific waters. It is readily recognized by the large black dorsal fin cutting the surface of the water.
The average lifespan of the Orca is 50 years, but they have been known to reach up to 100 years.
Class: Mammalia | Order: Cetacea | Family: Delphinidae | Genus: Orcinus | Species: Orca