Animals N More has several different Manatee stuffed animals in their plush collection.
Three Manatee stuffed animal are made by Wild Republic. At center front is Manny the Manatee stuffed animal from Douglas. The light grey Manatee at right is also called Manny and it was made by Ty Inc. Manny is a Beanie Baby and is retired. The other grey manatee plush toys are from Wild Republic. And we have some little Manatee keychains from Wildlife Artists. Visit our online Gift Shop to purchase a Manatee plush toy.
The Manatee, Trichechus manatus, is a large, water-dwelling mammal. It is about seven feet long and weighs around 450 pounds. They can reach a length of 13 feet and weigh up to 3,500 pounds. Manatees are helpless out of the water. They are vegetarians and feed on underwater vegetation such as water hyacinth and hydrilla. They cannot tolerate water temperatures that are lower than 46 degrees F.
Manatees have six teeth on each side of the upper and lower jaw. As the teeth wear out they are replaced. The front tooth falls out and is replaced by a new tooth at the end of the line that pushes forward.
Manatee's nostrils are valvelike, closing when they submerge. The animal is almost hairless with the muzzle covered with stiff bristles. The front legs are flippers and the tail is a broad paddle.
These animals can remain submerged for up to 25 minutes but generally only remain underwater for 9 minutes at a time.
Manatees bear one calf every year. The gestation period is about 11 months.They are born in April or May and weigh around 60 pounds. They are born under water and the mother immediately brings her baby to the surface. Both parents tend the young. Nursing takes place under water.
Predators of this animal include sharks, alligators, crocodiles and killer whales. Manatees are slow movers and sometimes injured in the water by boat propellers. These animals are endangered and fully protected in the United States.
Order: Sirenia | Family: Trichechidae | Genus/Species: Trichechus manatus
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