We have Sea Lion stuffed animals, plush toys, plus facts and information here in the Oceanarium at Animals N More.
The two plush brown sea lions above are made by Wild Republic, the large Sea Lion at right is a Heirloom Sea Lion from Animal Planet and the sea lion mini glass animal is from Ganz
. Purchase these plush toy sea lions in our online gift shop.
Sea Lions are members of the Otariidae Family (Eared Seals). They are not lions in any sense at all; they are lions of the sea. They are superior to the true seals when it comes to moving about on land. The eared seals are able to rotate their hind limbs forward to support the body as they progress on land; their front flippers are large, long and hairless.
Sea Lions have short, sleek hair and tight-fitting fur which varies in color from species to species - generally some shade of gray or brown. These animals are particularly given to living in herds; they are even more sociable than other kinds of seals. The adults are thoroughly at home in the water, but the young, born on land, must learn how to swim.
Sea Lions are great fish-eaters; fish is their staple food. But, depending on the species, they add crustaceans, squids, and even shellfish to their daily diet. Each side of both jaws is lined with interlocking rows of sharp-pointed teeth, which are ideal weapons for seizing and holding their prey.
The seal has no broad-crowned molars for crushing and grinding food. Therefore they must swallow food whole. They will also eat stones and gravel, which they use for milling the food they eat.
The California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) is a large animal (average 6'7") that lives along the Pacific Coast from Vancouver to Baja California. The large males weigh anywhere from 450 to 850 pounds. The females are smaller weighing anywhere from 100 to 230 pounds.
California Sea Lions breed in the summer months from June to July. Their one offspring is born one year later. They live on islands, especially liking sandy or rocky beaches. These are the trained seals seen in many zoos, circuses and oceanariums. They are very fast, swimming up to 25 mph. They can descend to 450 feet and remain underwater for about 20 minutes. They use sonar for underwater navigation and also for finding their prey, which includes squid, octopus, abalone, and a variety of fish. They generally hunt at night.
California Sea Lions have lived as long as 23 years in captivity.
The Sea Lion's enemies include sharks, killer whales and man. The California Sea Lion is fully protected by law in the United States and Canada.
Order: Pinnipedia | Family: Otariidae | Genus/Species: Zalophus californianus