Find seahorse and seadragon plush toys and gifts at the Oceanarium.
The image above includes Neon, a Seahorse Beanie Baby and Beanie Buddy made by Ty Inc. There are also two African beaded seahorses, a Wild Republic Seahorse and a tiny orange seahorse and purple Seadragon plush toys. Also shown is a Weedy Seadragon from Safari Ltd and a little blue seahorse glass animal from Ganz. Check our sponsor's online Gift Shop to see if there are any Seahorses in stock.
The Seahorse (Hippocampus) is a small marine fish that, like other
members of the pipefish family (Syngnathidae) is unique in appearance and behavior. The body is enclosed in bony rings, the tiny mouth at the end of a tubular bony snout, lacks pelvic fins, has a small anal fin and uses the dorsal fin for locomotion.
The males take care of the eggs. The eggs are passed from the female to the male, who fertilizes them and then attaches them to his belly or places them in a special brood pouch. When the young hatch several weeks later, he expels them from his body.
Seahorses move by rapid ripplings of the dorsal fin and use their tails to hold on to aquatic plants or other objects. Their hard scales serve as armor.
There are about 50 species, which range from an inch or two to nearly a foot in length. They inhabit warm seas.