Desert Tortoise Plush Toys
Find facts and information about the Tortoise, as well as plush toy tortoises and turtles, at Animals N More.
These turtle tortoise plush toys include from left, Hansa Wood Turtle, Ganz Webkinz Green Tortoise, Wild Republic Desert Tortoise stuffed animal, Mini Cuddlekins Tortoise and Wildlife Artists Desert Tortoise, large and small, and little Desert Turtle Mini Glass Animal by Ganz. Some of these plush toy tortoises are available at our sponsor's online gift shop: Jeannies Cottage LLC
The Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizi)
has a shell that is from 9 to 14 inches long. The high domed carapace has deep concentric lines with yellow or orange centers. This reptile lives in desert canyons and dry regions with little vegetation. It is a vegetarian living on desert plants that sprout up during the spring rains. During very hot, dry periods the tortoise will seek a den where it remains until more favorable conditions return.
The desert tortoise lays two to six eggs in a hole in the sand, generally in June, a few months after courtship. The spherical, white eggs are about 1-1/2 inches in diameter.
The hatchlings come out in the fall.
The Giant Tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus) is best represented by those living on the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador. They reach weights of 500 pounds and have a lifespan of more than 100 years. They feed on grass and cactus. They are an endangered species.
Four of the original 15 different species of Galapagos Tortoise are now extinct due to encroachment by man and the animals that prey on the tortoise eggs. These include dogs, pigs and goats. Man also hunts these reptiles for their meat. Here is a good site for more information on this giant tortoise:
Visit some of the other desert dwellers living at the Forest Cottage. And thanks for visiting.