Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma) or horned toads as they are
commonly called, are related to the anoles, which belong to the iguana family.
They live on the ground and blend in very well with their surroundings. Because of the way this lizard is designed, it does not cast a shadow, making it less noticeable to its enemies. There are several different kinds of horned lizards. They live in areas of the central United States and westward. They can be found in southern Canada
and also parts of Mexico.
They like to eat ants but have been known to eat other small insects, including bees.
Horned lizards have a very peculiar habit of squirting blood from their eyes when they are alarmed or captured.
Horned lizards lay eggs. Some keep the eggs inside them until they are just ready to hatch. Others dig a hole in the ground and deposit their eggs in it, generally in June. The eggs hatch 70 to 90 days later.
The toy Horned Lizard shown at right was made by the RGU Group.
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