
This is a scorpion toy made by Safari Ltd. The scorpion is an arachnid. real_scorpion

Scorpions are lobster-like in their appearance; they use their venom-laden tail to defend themselves and disable prey, which consists of insects and spiders.

They are from 2 to 5 inches long. The head and thorax is called the cephalothorax. Here there are two eyes in the center and on the side there are from 2 to 5 more eyes.

The Arizona Scorpion is one species whose sting can be fatal to humans. The whip scorpion looks nasty but is harmless. Scorpions are nocturnal.

There are anywhere from 1500 to 2000 species in the world.

The Scorpion toy shown above is available at our sponsor's online gift shop. Check our sponsor's online Gift Shop to see if we have any Scorpions in stock.

Desert Animals Index