
Get facts, information and plush toy ornithomimus at Animalsnmore.

This is an Ornithomimus from Dakin. Ornithomimus means "bird mimic." It was from 15 to 20 feet long and 6 to 8 feet tall. It had a long neck, legs and tail with short arms. It had three fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot. Its bones were ornithomimus_plush_toyhollow, like a birds. It had no teeth but a hornlike beak, small head and large brain.

Ornithomimus lived in the late Cretaceous period. Among the contemporaries of Ornithomimus in North America were Albertosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Euoplocephalus, Kritosaurus, and Nanotyrannus.

It is believed that Ornithomimus ate both plant and animal matter, including insects, small reptiles and mammals, eggs, fruit, and leaves.

Scientists think, probably because of the hollow bones and fossilized skeletal remains, that Ornithomimus behaved like an ostrich.

Ornithomimus was one of the smallest of the dinosaurs. It was a theropod .

Ornithomimus fossils have been found in North America and Mongolia.

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