
Get facts and information and plush toy Diplodocus at the Forest Cottage.

The image above shows a Diplodocus dinosaur made by Wild Republic. Our sponsor, Jeannie's Cottage LLC has some of these available in their online Gift Shop.

Diplodocus was a sauropod or "lizard-hipped" dinosaur. It was one of the longest (88 feet) dinosaurs, though not heaviest, ever discovered. It may have weighed 11 tons. Diplodocus was a herbivore, meaning it was a plant eater. Considering its size, it must have eaten a large amount of plants each day.

It is believed that Diplodocus traveled in herds, and may have migrated. It may have hatched from eggs, since other sauropods are hatched from eggs. 

The sauropod had a very long neck and tail. The snout was long and the nostrils were on top of the head. The teeth were peg like and used for stripping foliage. Considering its brain to body size ratio, it is believed the Diplodocus was not the smartest of dinosaurs.

Diplodocus had a special backbone allowing it to reach both high and low growing plants. Its name, Diplodocus, means "double beam." It walked on all fours, and probably moved slowly. Each foot had five toes, similar to the elephant. One toe on each foot was equipped with a thumb claw, which was more than likely used for protection. Fossils of this sauropod were discovered in Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming. It lived during the late Jurassic period.

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