Animals N More carries a large selection of frog stuffed animals.

We have Webkinz Frog, Jaag Lil Squishy Frog, Ganz Frog Clock, Aurora KISS Pink Frog, Jim Shore Mini Frog, Boyds Frogs Ezra and Taddy, Baby Bud Cushy Critter Frog and more, including some Poison Dart Frogs with sound. But before we introduce you to all our frog stuffed animals, here is some educational information about frogs that you may find very interesting.

Frogs are amphibians. Frogs and Toads belong to the order Anura or Salientia. The differences in frogs and toads is superficial. Frogs are generally smooth-skinned and aquatic, while toads are usually rough-skinned and terrestrial. They are cold-blooded, which means that their body temperature is almost the same as the temperature of their surroundings.

True toads belong to the family Bufonidae. There are 46 genera of true frogs (Ranidae) that includes 560 species worldwide. They are great jumpers with powerful hind legs and are carnivorous, eating insects and spiders and crustaceans. After mating the female will lay up to 20,000 eggs that will hatch in about 30 days. The tadpoles turn into frogs within 6 to 24 months.

Anurans vary in size and can be very small (half an inch) to almost a foot long. They have webbed feet. They all have the ability to secrete toxins from their skin glands that are irritating and sometimes lethal to predators. They are singers and can set up quite a chorus, especially at night. Their calls are used to attract a mate. Mostly the males are the singers.
