Tarsier Plush Toys and Gifts
Discover Tarsier stuffed animals, facts and information in the forest at Animals N More.
The little Tarsier stuffed animal shown above right comes from Hansa plush. The one on the left is a Douglas Tarsier Baby Lil Handful. Find some in our sponsor's online Gift Shop . Tarsier stuffed animals are just too cute.
The Tarsier is a very small mammal, a primate, that is only about the size of a human hand. Once upon a time, this little animal could be found in Europe and North America, but today
it is only found in southeastern Asia in coastal forests near creeks and rivers.
These little animals are nocturnal and arboreal, propelling themselves from branch to branch with their powerful hind legs, sometimes leaping up to 10 feet. They have soft pads on their fingers and toes that allow them to grip branches. When on the ground they hop. Tarsiers are named for their special elongated tarsal bones.
Tarsiers are about 4.5 to 5 inches long, not including the tail, which is another 9 inches and nearly hairless. They only weigh from 4.5 to 5.5 ounces. Males are heavier. They are capable of turning their head in any direction through a full 180 degrees, much like an owl.
Tarsiers feed on insects and lizards and also small fish and crabs.
The gestation is about 180 days. There is only one offspring produced each year and raised by the female. Life span is about 13 years.
There is one species of Tarsier in the Philippines particularly on the islands of Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Mindanao. There are four species in Indonesia. Another has recently been proposed.
Tarsiers make a variety of calls from a loud piercing note to bird-like trills.