Pine Marten Plush Toys, Facts and Information
Information about the Pine Marten is available at Animals N More.
The little Pine Marten stuffed animal shown below right was made by the Stuffed Animal House. These have now been discontinued.
The Pine Marten
belongs to the family Mustelidae along with the weasel, sea otters, badgers and skunks. Also called the American Sable (Martes americana) this little weasel-like mammal is about 20 to 27 inches long not including the tail. It weighs from 1 to 3 pounds. Colors can be dark brown to blond.
The brood of 2 to 5 young are born in an underground den or hollow tree in the spring. The young are blind and naked at birth and are weaned six weeks later. Pine Martens prefer coniferous forests containing much cover,
which is where they can find the small rodents they hunt.
Martens eat fruit, nuts and small rodents, such as voles. They will also eat earthworms, eggs and insects.
Pine Martens are found throughout Canada and in the US, they are found in Alaska, in the West along the coast to Northern California and through the Rocky Mountains. In the East the northeastern states to northern New York and New England.
The American Marten is a protected species and is making a comeback in numerous areas of its range. It had been threatened because of overhunting and habitat destruction. Martens are hunted for their valuable pelts.