Where can I find plush toy River Otters and gifts?
Find River Otter stuffed animals, facts and information at Animals N More.
We have the Hansa River Otter, American River Otter stuffed animal from Aurora Plush,Otto the Bearington River Otter stuffed animal, and the North American Wildlife Creations River Otter, created by Stuffed Animal House. Also there is a Small of the Wild River Otter from Wildlife Artists and a River Otter plush keychain from the Stuffed Animal House. The large River Otter in back is from Animal Planet. Check our sponsor's online Gift Shop to see if there are any River Otters there. You can see the Sea Otters here.
The Northern River Otter (Lutra canadensis) is a large aquatic mustelid with a long streamlined body of dark brown fur. The throat is light silver grey. The feet are webbed. Generally the male is larger than the female. On average they are about 4 feet long, not including the tail. They weigh about 25 pounds. A similar animal is the Sea Otter.
These animals are intelligent, curious and very playful. Though active both day and night, they are secretive and seldom seen.
Otters mate in early spring, just after the birth of the litter; but because the implantation of the embryos is delayed, the total gestation can be anywhere from 288 to 380 days. There is normally one litter of one to 6 young born blind and fully furred in March or April. The female cares for the pups until they are about six months old, then both parents care for them.
River Otters live along rivers, ponds and lakes in wooded areas. Their range is from Alaska and most of Canada south to northern California and northern Utah. In the East they are found from Newfoundland to Florida. They generally live to 8 or 9 years in the wild.
These animals are well made for an aquatic life. The body is streamlined, the tail broad and flat making a good rudder and the nostrils are valved to keep out water. They can remain submerged for several minutes and can dive to a depth of 55 feet. They can also move about very well on land.
River Otters eat fish, small mammals such as mice and and some invertebrates. The den is found along a bank with entrances both underwater and aboveground. The nest inside is made of leaves, reeds, grass and sticks. Otters will also reside in the old dens of other animals such as beaver and muskrat and natural shelters, such as a hollow log.