Hamster Plush Toys and Gifts
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A favorite household pet is the Hamster. They are small little rodents that prefer a solitary environment, but they also need lots of exercise, so a large, plastic or metal cage is best. Depending on the species, Hamsters can be anywhere from 4 to 12 inches long.
Hamsters are generally active at twilight and just before dawn, making them crepuscular. They are not nocturnal. In the wild, during daylight hours they spend their time in burrows in order to avoid predators.
They eat a variety of foods, including nuts, vegetables, dried food, berries, and fresh fruits. Hamsters in the wild are omnivores and will eat a wide variety of food. They have pouches on both sides of their heads, which they stuff full of food. These little carrying cases allow them to take the food they gather back to their dens to be eaten later.
Try not to give your pet Hamster too many treats or foods high in sugar content, such as fruits. It is better to give hamsters fresh vegetables over fresh fruit. If you want to have a pet Hamster, be sure to get a book or pamphlet from your pet store about these little animals for the proper handling of your pet.
Hamsters in the wild can be found from central Europe through Siberia, Mongolia, and northern China to Korea. The southern portion of their range stretches from Syria to India. The terrain they inhabit is dry, open country close to deserts, vegetated sand dunes, sparse foothills and plateaux, river valleys, and mountain steppes. Geographic distribution varies greatly between species.
Hamsters are very fertile little animals and can begin breeding at three months of age. Females are in heat approximately every four days. Syrian and Chinese Hamsters will fight if kept together.
Breeding season is from April to October, with two to five litters of 2 to 15 young being born after a gestation period of 16 to 23 days, depending on the species.
The mother Hamster prepares her nest in advance. She uses shredded material such as leaves in the wild, but in captivity will use cotton or toilet paper. Hamsters are born hairless and blind. After one week they begin to explore their surroundings. They are completely weaned after three weeks.
Hamsters normally stay healthy throughout their short lives, which is from 1-1/2 to 2 years. They can catch colds.
The Red, Beige and Grey Lil Hamsters are made by Ganz, the makers of Webkinz. The Lil Hamsters are not online interactive. You can find these at our sponsor's Gift Shop.