Shetland Sheepdog Plush Toys

Whispy, shown at right, is a 16-inch Shetland Sheepdog plush toy made by Douglas Cuddle Toys. Find Whispy in our sponsor's online gift shop.

The Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie, as it is affectionately called, is like a miniature Collie. It was developed in Shetland, a Scottish Isle, from Collies brought there by fishermen. Locals bred the collies with small local dogs called yakkin.

This is a long-haired working dog. It is intelligent, alert and gentle. It loves its master and is good with children, but is reserved and suspicious towards strangers. It can be stubborn.

Shelties can be tri-colored (black, chestnut and white), fawn or sable, blue merle, and black and white. The ears are almost erect but folded at the tips.

They are about 15 inches tall and weigh about 15 pounds. They are double coated with a rough outer coat and soft undercoat.

The eyes are almond shaped and dark. Merles can have blue eyes, sometimes just one blue eye with the other dark.


The Kennel Index
