Where can you find Papillon Dog Puppy Plush Toys?
This cute little toy Papillon dog fur figurine shown above looks just like the real thing. The larger plush Papillon is made by Hansa. Find them at our sponsor's online gift shop, www.jeanniescottage.com.
The Papillon is a little Italian dog popular during the Renaissance and later perfected by
French breeders. The Papillon is also called the butterfly dog because of the appearance of the ears. They are carried wide open and turned to the sides, giving it the appearance of a butterfly. The name "papillon" means butterfly in French.
The insides of the ears are covered with fine, wavy hair, while the outer surfaces are covered with a falling fringe. The papillon is an elegant, sporting small dog. It is about 11 inches high and weighs about 10 pounds. The coat is long, silky and flowing and needs careful grooming and is colored usually black and white, brown and white or white and black with tan patches. It is prone to shedding.
These dogs are steady, obedient and silent. They are small and dainty, fine-boned and graceful.These are companion dogs and considered easy to train.
They have a 12 to 15 year life span.