The Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)-- is a little owl that is about 7 inches long with big
yellow eyes. It is smaller than a screech owl and doesn't have the ear tufts. Its song is a monotonous whistled note repeated in endless succession, although this little owl is usually silent. Its song can be heard in late winter and spring.
It picks a deserted woodpecker's hole or cavity to build its nest, which is made without the usual nesting materials. Anywhere from 5 to 6 white eggs are laid.
The saw-whet is nocturnal and hunts rodents and insects. The little bird is docile and can be approached during the day.
The range is southeast Alaska, Canada, western and northeastern U.S. It can be found in forests, coniferous woodlands and pine groves.
Douglas makes a very nice Saw Whet Owl plush toy named Shrill. Find it at our sponsor's online gift shop. There is also a Saw Whet owl S'mores Ornament from Ganz.