The Musk Ox stuffed animals shown above are made by Wild Republic and Safari. They are the Cuddlekins Musk Ox. The Musk Ox figurine is from Safari Ltd. You can find Musk Oxen at our sponsor's online gift shop. Meanwhile, here are some interesting facts and information about the Musk Ox.The musk ox is an American ruminant (Ovibos moschatus)
and member of the cattle family (Bovidae). It belongs to the sub-family Caprinae making it more of a goat-sheep than a true ox. It has a musk-like odor, hence the name.
The bull musk ox is 5 feet tall at the shoulder, the female somewhat smaller. Both sexes have horns, which are broad and flat and lay close to the skull. They have long, shaggy coats that reach to their feet.
These are social animals that are known to live in herds, which comprise adults of both sexes, along with young animals. A typical musk oxen herd is generally about 10–20 animals. However, at times, the number of members might go as high as 70 animals.
These animals are native to the Arctic areas of Canada, Greenland and Alaska. The musk oxen diet consists of tundra grasses, reeds, lichens, sedges, and other ground plants. There is a thick wool undercoat that is shed in the summer.
Musk oxen band together in groups of 20 to 30. When attacked they form a circle with the largest oxen toward the front and facing outward.
One young is born every other year. The gestation period is nine months.
Life span in the wild is from 12 to 20 years.
Class: Mammalia | Order: Artiodactyla | Family: Bovidae | Subfamily: Caprinae | Genus: Ovibos