
Rhinoceros Rhino Plush Toys

Find Rhino stuffed animals, facts and information in the Zoo at Animals N More.

You can find many of the Rhino stuffed animals shown on this page at our sponsor's gift shop: Jeannie's Cottage LLC Gift Shop. These rhinos include a little Blue Avon Full O Beans Rhino (retired), a blue Webkinz Rhino stuffed animal, a large Cuddlekins Rhino stuffed animal from Wild Republic, a large Aurora Rhino, a Coca Cola International Rhino, a little Rhino hand puppet made by Cascade Toys, Nami the Beanie Baby Rhino, two rhino stuffed animals from Wild Republic and Spike the Rhino Beanie Baby and Teenie Beanie Baby.

Rhinoceroses are large, massively built animals, real_rhinowith little intelligence and a bad temper. Their horns are made of modified hairs and are tough enough to be used as weapons. They don't see well but their sense of smell and hearing are very good. Rhinos are found in tropical Africa and Asia.

The white Rhinoceros, or Burchell's Rhinoceros, Ceratotheriumsimum, is also known as the square-lipped rhinoceros. It is the biggest of all the rhinos. Standing six and one-half feet at the shoulder, the white rhino weighs up to four tons. Despite its bulk, this giant, like the elephant, can slip silently away, even in dense thickets.

Both male and female white rhinos have two horns, the front one being about twice the length of the rear one. The front horn can measure three feet in length; the recorded maximum is five feet.


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