Australian Frilled Lizard Plush Toys
Discover Australian Frilled Lizard stuffed animals, facts and information at the Zoo at Animals N More.
These lizards shown above are Australian Frilled Lizard stuffed animals. There is a Beanie Baby by the name of Slayer (shown above), and the large frilled or hooded lizard is from Folkmanis. Find Frilled Lizards at our sponsor's gift shop: Jeannie's Cottage LLC.
The Frilled Lizard, Chlamydosaurus kingii, is large at 30 inches. Most of its length is its t
ail. It gets its name from the large frill around its neck that it extends when it is threatened. This lizard's mouth is bright yellow. When it extends its frill it also opens up that big yellow mouth and the resulting fearsome expression would strike fear into any would-be predator.
Males are larger than females. Frilled lizards are usually brown or grey and their frills are tinged with orange or sienna. They can run on two legs and use their speed to escape predators, quickly climbing the nearest tree. They are capable of inflicting a painful bite with their two long doglike teeth in the lower jaw.
Their usual habitat is woodlands and much time is spent up in trees. They are found in northern and northwestern Australia and Papua New Guinea.
These lizards are insect eaters, and also consume spiders and invertebrates. They can also capture small mammals and other reptiles. As with other lizards, the Frilled Lizard lays eggs, 8-14 at a time.