Shih Tzu stuffed animals, plus facts and information about the breed are at the Kennel in the Forest Cottage.
We have some Shih Tzu puppies from Ty named Poofie, a Shih Tzu Beanie Baby by the name of Tibby, and one made by Douglas Cuddle Toys named Poofy. At center is Fluffy the very rare and hard to find Shih Tzu made by Russ Berrie. At far right is a Shih Tzu hand puppet from Folkmanis. The Shih Tzu at left is Bentley from Bearington. We also have some Shih-tzu resin figurine photo frames. There are some Shih Tzus in the Jeannie's Cottage Gift Shop.
The Shih Tzu is a sturdy, lively, alert toy dog with long flowing double coat. It has a Chinese ancestry as a highly valued, prized companion and palace pet.
They were brought to England in 1930. Although there has always been considerable size variation, the Shih Tzu should becompact and solid .
The ideal height of this breed is 9 to 10 inches at the withers; but, not less than 8 inches nor more than 11 inches. The ideal weight of mature dogs is 9 to 16 pounds.
The head should be round, broad, wide between the eyes. The expression is warm, sweet, wide-eyed, friendly and trusting. The eyes are large, round, placed well apart and very dark. Ears are large,and heavily coated. The coat is luxurious, double-coated, dense, long, and flowing. Hair on top of head is tied up.
The sole purpose of the Shih Tzu is that of a companion and house pet. These dogs are outgoing, happy, affectionate, friendly and trusting towards all.