
Find Schnauzer stuffed animals, facts and information real_schnauzerabout the breed at the Kennel. We have a Schnauzer resin frame. We have a Schnauzer resin note pad. There is Max the Schnauzer stuffed animal made by Wild Republic. We have Whitney the Schnauzer in the red carrier. There is a Jaag Schnauzer stuffed animal, as well as a little Ganz Heritage Collection Schnauzer named Panzer. Note the Schnauzer Garden Stone, a Scnauzer Refrigerator Magnet, a bright pink Schnauzer from Demdaco as well as a little Demdaco plush toy, and a plush Unipak Classic Schnauzer. Check the Jeannie's Cottage Gift Shop for Schnauzer stuffed animals. Our sponsor is Jeannie's Cottage.

The origin of the Schnauzer is Bavaria. The name comes from the German word, Schnauze, which means muzzle.

Schnauzers are about 19 inches high and weigh around 30 pounds. These courageous little dogs are very affectionate and devoted to their masters. The color of the coat should be either black or salt and pepper.

Schnauzers make good watch dogs and are good bodyguards. They are also good companion dogs.

They have a long life span and can live to the age of 15. They also do not have the typical dog smell.


The Kennel Index
