Reindeer are large arctic and subarctic deer, the American species of which is called caribou.

Reindeer or caribou (Rangifer tarandus) inhabit northern forests and tundra.real_caribou The reindeer's hardiness is perhaps due to its stomach, which hosts special bacteria enabling these animals to digest lichens, the major portion of their diet.

All caribou move around and many herds undertake great migrations in the spring and autumn. In summer, they graze on the grasses, sedges, and lichens of the open tundra. In winter, they move south into the northern parts of the boreal forest, where they can browse on vegetation and seek shelter from the cold.

Both male and female reindeer have antlers, although the male's are much larger. The animal is about 6 to 7 feet long and about 4 feet tall at the shoulder. They weigh about 240 pounds.

The main predator of the caribou is the wolf. Reindeer mate in late September to early November. The gestation period is about 230 days. The calves are born in May or June. They wean in about 1 month and begin to graze. The caribou lifespan is about 17 years.

The plush toy reindeer stuffed animals and gifts shown above include the Ganz Butterbits Lane Yukon Reindeer, Wild Republic Cuddlekins Reindeer, and Coca-Cola. Also shown are some Jim Shore Victorian Reindeer. You can find great prices on these plush toy Reindeer Caribou stuffed animals at our sponsor's online Gift Shop.


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